Johnny Be Good
Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry
INTRODUCTION Start introduction after 16 counts intro of music SLAP TWICE, CLAP TWICE, HAND JIVES TWICE1-2Slap thighs twice with both hands3-4Clap twice5-8Cross right hand over left hand twice at chest height, cross left hand over right hand twice at chest height9-32Repeat steps 1-8 a further 3 timesTHE MAIN DANCE Start on vocals BOOGIE WALKS FORWARD X4, JAZZ BOX ¼ TURN RIGHT1-4Boogie walk forward right, left, right, left (waving hand movements for extra styling)5-8Cross right over left, step back onto left turning a ¼ turn to right, step forward onto right, place left next to rightKICK, HOLD, KICK, ½ TURN, KICK, SLOW COASTER STEP, HOLD1-2Kick right forward, hold3-4Kick right back, make ½ turn right5-7Step back onto right, step left together, step forward onto right8HoldCHASSE LEFT, BACK ROCK, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, SIDE1&2Step left to side, close right up to left, step left to side3-4Rock back onto right, recover weight forward onto left5-6Step right to side, cross left behind right7-8Step right to side, step left to sideBEHIND, SIDE, SIDE, BEHIND, CHASSE RIGHT, BACK ROCK1-2Cross right behind left, step left to side3-4Step right to side, cross left behind right5&6Step right to side, close left up to right, step right to side7-8Rock back onto left, recover weight forward onto rightLEFT SIDE TOE STRUT, RIGHT CROSS TOE STRUT, LEFT SIDE TOE STRUT, RIGHT CROSS TOE STRUT (ALL WITH FINGER CLICKS)1-2Step left toe to side, place heel placing weight, click fingers3-4Cross right toe over left, place heel placing weight, click fingers5-8Repeat counts 33-36TOE POINT, HOLD, PLACE, TOE POINT, HOLD, PLACE, LOW KICKS TWICE, LEFT COASTER STEP1-2&Point left toe out to left side, hold, place left next to right3-4&Point right toe out to right side, hold, place right next to left5-6Kick left forward twice (low kicks)7&8Step back onto left, step right together, step forward onto leftREPEAT This dance was choreographed for John Pickering of Texas Rose for his 65th birthday and in memory of Peter.