Just Your Hat
Carolyn Robinson (USA)
Dear Santa - Sandy Knox
There is an intro of piano music with Sandy singing, then you'll hear the drummer call 1,2,3,4 which you will substitute with 5,6,7,8 and begin the dance! I'm dedicating this dance to my Intermediate/Advanced class: Crystal Richmond, Laurie Pruitt, Peggy Baddour and Bonnie Ball who all have discovered the "hoochie" in themselves!RIGHT TOUCH, TOGETHER, TOUCH, CROSS1-2Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe beside left foot3-4-Touch right toe to right side, cross right foot in front of left placing weight on right footLEFT TOUCH, TOGETHER, TOUCH CROSS5-6Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe beside right foot7-8Touch left toe to left side, cross left foot in front of right foot placing weight on left footSTEP, CROSS, STEP, CROSS1-2-3-4Step right to side, cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left in front of right Styling: look right and angle body slightly forward and to right diagonalSWAY BUMPS RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT, HOLD5Step to the right and sway right hip right with a bump6Sway left hip left with a bump7Sway right hip right with a bump (keeping weight on right)8Hold Styling: hold arms up with hands above head and snap fingers with each bump!STEP, CROSS, STEP, CROSS1-2-3-4Step left foot to left side, cross right foot in front of left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot in front of left Styling: look left and angle body slightly forward and to left diagonalSWAY BUMPS LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT, HOLD5Step to the left and sway left hip left with a bump6Sway right hip right with a bump7Sway left hip left with a bump (keeping weight on left)8Hold Styling: hold arms up with hands above head and snap fingers with each bump!SWEEP RIGHT, SWEEP LEFT, SWEEP RIGHT, PIVOT ½ TURN RIGHT1Move right foot in small sweeping motion to right and behind left in 5th position (toe to heel) placing weight on right2Move left foot in sweeping motion to left and behind right in 5th position (toe to heel)placing weight on left3Move right foot in sweeping motion to right and behind left in 5th position (toe to heel)placing weight on right4Pivot ½ turn right on right foot and transferring weight to left foot (right foot will be in front of left foot (4th position)DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP5(Keeping feet in 4th position & weight on left foot), bend knees - moving body down6Straighten legs - moving body up7Bend knees -moving body down8Straighten legs - moving body up Optional: place left hand on top of left thigh and right hand on left hip for added styling. Also, there is a bit of pelvic thrusting when bending up and down but can be exaggerated or modified to individual taste and comfort!REPEATTAG After completion of the 3rd repetition, there is an additional 9 counts of music. You will do this tag only once! Then start the dance over! KICK & CROSS, HOLD, UNWIND ½ TURN1&2Kick right foot forward, step ball of right foot slightly behind left foot and cross left foot in front of right3Hold4Unwind turning right ½ turn - weight on left footOUT OUT, HOLD, STEP, CROSS, UNWIND&5Step right foot slightly out to right side, left foot slightly out to left side6Hold&7Step right foot slightly in to right side, cross left foot in front of right8Unwind ½ turn right with weight on left1Hold for 1 count and begin the dance again!