Just Honky Tonkin' (P)
Honky Tonk Song - George Jones
Position: Man facing OLOD, lady facing ILOD, double hand holdROCK STEPS - BOTH1-2Step left across front of right, rock back onto right (hands left palm to left palm)3-4Step left next to right, hold5-6Step right across front of left, rock back onto left (hands right palm to right palm)7-8Step right next to left, hold9-10Step back on left (away from each other, holding both hands)11-12Rock forward onto right, stomp left next to right, holdVINES (MOVING APART)13-16Both step right step to side right, left behind right, right side, hitch left (left hand to left hand)17-20MAN: Step left step to side left, right behind left, turn ¼ left on left, brush right LADY: ¾ Left 3 step turn going under mans raised left arm, into right side by side position, brush rightBRUSH STEPS, CHANGE PLACES, LADY TURNS21-24Step forward right, slide left up to right, step forward right, brush left25-28Step forward left, slide right up to left, step forward left, brush right Keeping hold of both hands, take left hands over lady's head bringing lady across in front. Both turning ¼ turn to face each other with hands crossed.CHANGE PLACES29-32MAN: Step right on right, left behind, right to right turning ¼ left to face lady, brush left LADY: Step right in front left, step left next to right turning ¼ right to face man, step right next to left, brush left Still keeping hold of both hands, raise both arms bringing lady across in front. Man & lady both turn ½ turn to face each other with hands crossed Change places33-36MAN: Step left to left, right behind, left to left side turning ½ turn left to face lady, brush right LADY: 3 Step to the left ½ turn, to face man on left, right, left, brush right Release lady's left hand raise right, pick up lady's left on completion of turn back to side by side37-40MAN: Step right ¼ turn into LOD, step forward left, right, brush left LADY: 3 Step 1 & ¼ turn to the right moving forward up LOD on right, left, right brush leftSTEP SLIDE, STEP BRUSH, TURN TO FACE41-44Both step forward on left, slide right up to left, step forward on left, brush right Keeping hold of both hands, take left hands over lady's head, & change to double hand hold45-48MAN: Step in place on right left right, turning ¼ right to face lady, brush left LADY: Step in place on right left right, turning ¾ right to face man, brush leftREPEAT