You're The First
Intermediate/Advanced waltz
You're the First Time I've Thought About Leaving - Reba McEntire
1-2-3Left foot forward, right foot to right side, left foot next to right4-5-6Right foot forward, left foot to left side, right foot next to left foot 7-8-9Left foot cross in front of right foot, right foot in place, left foot to left side10-11-12Right foot cross in front of left foot, left foot in place, right foot to right side 13-14-15Left foot forward, right foot bend your knee, right foot kick forward16-17-18Right foot rear, left foot pointed to left side and hold one count 19-20-21Left foot forward, right foot cross in front of left foot & turn ½ left22-23-24Left foot rear, right foot rear, left foot pointed to left sideREPEATTAG Dance the tag after every 4th repetition FOUR ¼ TURNS LEFT1-2-3Left foot forward 1/8 turn left, right foot to right side 1/8 turn left, left foot next to right foot4-5-6Right foot rear 1/8 turn left, left foot to left side 1/8 turn left, right foot next to left foot 7-8-9Left foot forward 1/8 turn left, right foot to right side 1/8 turn left, left foot next to right foot10-11-12Right foot rear 1/8 turn left, left foot to left side 1/8 turn left, right foot next to left foot 13-14-15Left foot forward, right foot pointed to right side & hold one count16-17-18Right foot rear, left foot pointed to left side & hold one countREPEAT