The Way
The Way You Make Me Feel - Ronan Keating
1Step right to right side&Slide left up to right2&Rock back on left & recover onto right3-4Make ½ turn right in two steps (left, right)5Step left to left side&Slide right up to left6&Rock back on right and recover onto left7-8Make ½ turn left in two steps (right, left) 9Touch right toe diagonally forward to right, tapping right heel and clicking fingers10Tap right heel, clicking fingers11&12Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left13Touch left toe diagonally forward to left, tapping left heel and clicking fingers14Tap left heel, clicking fingers15&16Step left behind right, step right to right side making ¼ turn right, step left beside right 17&18Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward19&20&Step left forward, turn ½ turn right, step left beside right, scuff right forward21&22Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward23&24&Step left forward, turn ½ turn right, step left beside right, scuff left forward 25&26Step forward on right bumping hips right, left, right27&28Shuffle diagonally forward and left on left29&30Step forward on right bumping hips right, left, right31&32Shuffle diagonally forward and left on leftREPEAT