Tico Tico
Tico Tico - The Dean Brothers
FOUR STEPS, MOVING RIGHT1-4Step right to right, hold, step left behind right, hold5-8Step right to right, hold, touch left behind right, holdHEEL TOE TOUCHES9-10Touch left heel diagonally forward, touch left toe in front of right foot11-12Touch left heel diagonally forward, touch left toe in front of right footVINE LEFT13-14Step left to left, step right behind left15-16Step left to left, touch right next to leftSLOW TURNING JAZZ BOX17-20Step right across left, hold, step back on left21-24Step right foot into a ½ turn right, hold, step left firmly to left, holdHEEL BALL CROSS TWICE25-26Touch right heel forward, step right slightly back27-28Step left foot across right, hold29-30Touch right heel forward, step right slightly back31-32Step left foot across right, holdREPEAT