There Goes
There Goes - Alan Jackson
1-4Vine right stepping right, left, right step left next to right5-8Swivets left, center, right, center (bringing weight onto right) 1-4Step back on left, touch right out to right side, step back onto right, touch left out to left side5-6Step left across in front of right, touch right out to right side7-8Step right across in front of left, unwind ¼ left 1-4Vine right stepping right, left, right touch left5-6Step left back diagonal, drag right next to left7-8Step left back diagonal, touch right next to left 1-2Step right forward diagonal, drag left next to right3-4Step right forward diagonal, touch left next to right5&6Shuffle to the left (left, right, left)7Cross right over left taking weight on t & turning ½ left8Rock back onto leftREPEAT