That's Me
Lesley Johnston (AUS)
That's Me - George Strait
VINE TO LEFT, HITCH, VINE TO RIGHT, ½ TURN HITCH1-4Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, hitch right (optional full turn rolling vine with hitch)5-6Step right to right side, step left behind right7-8Step right to side into a ½ turn right, hitch leftSTEP LOCK, STEP HITCH, STEP LOCK, STEP HITCH1-3Step left forward at 45 degrees left, lock right behind left, step left forward 45 degrees left4Hitch right beside left5-7Step right forward at 45 degrees right, lock left behind right, step right 45 degrees right8Hitch left beside rightSTEP OVER, BACK, ¼ TURN, TOUCH, VINE TO RIGHT, TOUCH1-2Cross left over right, step back on right3-4Step into a ¼ turn left stepping onto left, touch right beside left5-7Step right to side, left behind right, right to side8Touch left beside rightLEFT BRUSH, RIGHT BRUSH1-2Left heel at 45 degrees left, brush left over right shin3-4Left heel at 45 degrees left, step left to left side5-6Right heel at 45 degrees right, brush right over left shin7-8Right heel at 45 degrees right, touch right toe behind left footPOINT ¼ MONTEREY, POINT ½ MONTEREY1-2Point right to right side, bring right to meet left as you pivot on left ¼ turn right3-4Point left to side, bring left to meet right5-6Point right to right side, bring right to meet left as you pivot ½ turn to right7-8Point left to side, bring left to meet rightHEELS, TOES, HEELS, TOES, HOLD (CLAP), HEELS, TOES, HEELS, HOLD (CLAP)1-4Both heels to left, both toes to left, both heels left, hold/clap5-8Both heels to right, both toes to right, both heels right, hold/clapSTEP, LIFT, STEP, LIFT, STEP, LIFT, POINT TURN1-2Step left to left, lift right heel into a sweep/hitch over left3-4Step right to right, lift left heel into a sweep/hitch over right5-6Step left to left, lift right heel into a sweep/hitch over left7-8Point right to right side, bring right to meet left as you pivot ¼ turn right, weight now on rightTOE, HEEL, ¼ TOE, HEEL, TOE, HEEL, ¼ TOE, HEEL1-4Left toe forward, heel down, turn ¼ turn right-right toe forward, heel down5-8Left toe forward, heel down, turn ¼ turn right-right toe forward, heel downREPEAT