Stoolball Stomp
Gabrielle Hancock (UK)
Rocky Top - The Osborne Brothers
&1Take a small jump forward landing on right foot then left2Slap hands with partner&3Jump round ½ turn left landing on right foot then left4Bump derrieres with partner5-8Walk forward on right, left, right, hitch left knee and slap with right hand 9-12Pigeon toes twice13-16Side step left on left, close right to left side step left on left, stomp right foot beside left 17-20Side step right on right, close left beside right, side step right on right, hitch left knee with ½ turn right21-24Walk forward on left, right, left, hitch right knee and slap partner's raised knee with your right hand 25-26Step forward on right foot passing on right side of partner, slide left up behind right27-28Step forward on right foot, hitch left knee and ½ turn right29-30Stomp forward on left foot then right foot31-32Stomp left foot on the spot, stomp right foot on the spotREPEAT