Somebody Stand By Me
Somebody Stand By Me - Faith Hill
FORWARD & HITCH, RIGHT IN PLACE, FORWARD, FULL TURN FORWARD, RIGHT TO RIGHT1-3Left forward & hitch right behind left knee, right in place, left forward4-6Full left forward turn stepping right, left, step right to right side (12:00)BEHIND, RIGHT TO SIDE, LEFT OVER RIGHT, RIGHT TO RIGHT, DRAG, HOOK LEFT OVER RIGHT1-3Left behind right, right to right side, cross left over right4-6Right to right, drag left towards right, hook left over right foot (12:00)¼ TURN FORWARD, ½ LEFT PIVOT, LEFT BESIDE RIGHT, RIGHT COASTER STEP1-3¼ left turn and left forward, right forward with ½ left pivot turn on right foot, left beside right4-6(Right coaster) back right, left beside right, right forward (3:00)LEFT FORWARD, RIGHT BESIDE LEFT & ¾ LEFT PENCIL TURN, WEIGHT ON RIGHT, LEFT COASTER STEP1-3Left forward, bring right beside left for ¾ left pencil pivot turn on ball of left foot, place weight on right Easier option1-3Left slightly forward, place right toe over left, ¾ left pivot turn and place weight on right4-6(Left coaster) back left, right beside left, left forward (6:00)CROSS, ½ TURN SLOW SWEEP, CROSS, ½ TURN SLOW SWEEP1-3Cross right over left, slow sweep (with left foot touching floor) over 2 counts into ½ turn right (12:00)4-6Cross left over right, slow sweep (with right foot touching floor) over 2 counts into ½ turn left (6:00) Easier option1-6Cross right over left, 2-count sweep with left foot into ¼ turn right, cross left over right, 2-count sweep with right foot into ¼ turn left (6:00)ROCK OVER, REPLACE, ¼ TURN STEP FORWARD, LEFT FORWARD COASTER STEP1-3Rock right over left, replace left in place, ¼ right turn and right forward4-6(Forward coaster) forward left, right beside left, left back (9:00)RIGHT BACK, ½ PIVOT, RIGHT BACK, LEFT BACK, ½ PIVOT, LEFT BACK1-3Right toe back, ½ pivot right with weight on left, step right back4-6Left toe back, ½ pivot left with weight on right, step left back Easier option1-3(Right coaster) right back, left beside right, right forward4-6(Forward left coaster) left forward, right beside left, left backRIGHT BACK, ½ PIVOT, RIGHT BACK, LEFT BACK, DRAG, RIGHT BESIDE LEFT1-3Right toe back, ½ pivot right weight on left, step right back4-6Left back, drag right towards left, right beside left (weight on right) (3:00)REPEATENDING Last wall (wall 9) commences to the front: the music starts to slow down. Dance to count 30 to the same pace as the rest of the dance. Add the following 12 steps to finish to the front (these last 12 steps can be slowed down slightly to the end of the dance) ROCK OVER, REPLACE, ½ TURN STEP FORWARD, LEFT FORWARD COASTER STEP, RIGHT BACK DIAGONAL, DRAG, LEFT TO LEFT, DRAG, RIGHT BESIDE1-3Rock right over left, replace left in place, ½ right turn and right forward4-6(Forward coaster) forward left, right beside left, left back (12:00)1-3Step right back at right diagonal, drag left towards right (2 counts)4-6Step left to left, drag right towards left, place right beside left For this dance only 9 walls are danced. Because of the length of the song, disregard the music that kicks in a little while after the song appears to have finished. This happens when you have finished the dance at wall 9. There is a very long pause so just turn your music off at that point