Somebody Like You
Somebody Like You - Keith Urban
Dedicated to all the Youngwood Line Dancers & Spectators for 7 1/2 years of continued support, dancing, friendship, and funROCK FORWARD, ROCK BACK, HITCH STEP, HITCH STEP, ROCK BACK, ROCK FORWARD, WALK FORWARD RIGHT, WALK FORWARD LEFT1-2Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left foot in place&3&4Hitch right knee as scoot back on left foot, step back onto right foot, hitch left knee as scoot back on right foot, step back onto left foot5-6Rock back onto right, rock back forward onto left7-8Walk forward with your right, walk forward with your leftRIGHT HIP WALK FORWARD, LEFT HIP WALK FORWARD, RIGHT ROCK FORWARD, LEFT ROCK BACK, ½ TURN RIGHT AS SHUFFLE RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT1&2Stepping forward onto right, bump hips right, left, right ending with weight forward on right3&4Stepping forward onto left, bump hips left, right, left ending with weight forward on left5-6Rock forward onto right, rock weight back onto left7&8Right shuffle (stepping right, left, right) as make ½ turn to rightLEFT HIP WALK FORWARD, RIGHT HIP WALK FORWARD, LEFT ROCK FORWARD, RIGHT ROCK BACK, ¾ TURN LEFT SHUFFLE LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT1&2Stepping forward onto left, bump hips left, right, left ending with weight forward on left3&4Stepping forward onto right, bump hips, right, left, right ending with weight forward on right5-6Rock forward onto left, rock weight back onto right7&8Left shuffle (stepping left, right, left) as make ¾ turn to left ending with weight on leftTOE POINTS TO RIGHT & LEFT & RIGHT, HITCH RIGHT, POINT RIGHT TO RIGHT, RIGHT SAILOR SHUFFLE, LEFT SAILOR SHUFFLE1&2Point right toe to right, step right back in place, point left toe to left&3&4Step left in place, point right to right, hitch right knee across left, point right to right5&6Step right behind left, step left with left, then step slightly forward with right7&8Step left behind right, step right with right, then step slightly forward with leftCROSS OVER SHUFFLE RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, STEPPING LEFT TO LEFT BUMP LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, AND REPEAT1&2Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right over left3&4Stepping left to left, bump hips left, right, left5&6Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right over left7&8Stepping left to left, bump hips left, right, leftROCK FORWARD RIGHT & BACK ON LEFT, BIG STEP RIGHT, SLIDE LEFT TO RIGHT, & STEP ON LEFT, ROCK FORWARD RIGHT, BACK ON LEFT, ½ RIGHT AS STEP FORWARD RIGHT, LEFT1-2Cross rock right over left, rock weight back onto left3-4Take a big step to right with right, slide left over to right leaving left in a touch&5-6Step on left next to right, rock forward onto right, rock back onto left7-8Make ½ turn to right as step forward right, step forward onto leftREPEAT