Sleep Walking
Steve Lescarbeau (USA)
Sleepin' with the Radio On - Charly McClain
VINE RIGHT, LEFT HEEL FORWARD, HOLD, BALL CROSS, SIDE TOGETHER1-2-3-4Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, tap left heel forward5&6-7-8Hold, quickly step on ball of left and cross right over left, step left to left, step right togetherVINE LEFT, RIGHT HEEL FORWARD, HOLD, BALL CROSS, SIDE TOGETHER9-10-11-12Step left to left, step right behind left, step left to left, tap right heel forward13&14-15-16Hold, quickly step on ball of right and cross left over right, step right to right, step left togetherSIDE TRIPLE RIGHT, ¼ TURN LEFT SIDE TRIPLE, ¼ TURN RIGHT SIDE TRIPLE, ¼ TURN LEFT TRIPLE You will be making a complete box17&18-19&20Step right to right, quickly bring left to right, step right to right, ¼ turn right as you step left to left (3:00), quickly bring right to left, step left to left21&22-23&24¼ turn right as you step right to right (6:00), quickly bring left to right, step right to right, ¼ turn right as you step left to left (9:00), quickly bring right to left, step left to leftSTEP SCUFF, STEP SCUFF, STEP SCUFF, STEP SCUFF (SNAP FINGERS ON EACH SCUFF)25-26-27-28Step forward on right, scuff left forward with a very slight hitch, step forward on left, scuff right forward with a very slight hitch29-30-31-32Step forward on right, scuff left forward with a very slight hitch, step forward on left, scuff right forward with a very slight hitchREPEAT