Silver Shadow (P)

Carl Edwards (UK)
Silver Shadow - Plain Loco

Position: Sweetheart position and on the same foot unless otherwise stated

1-2Step forward on right foot, lock left behind right
3&4Right forward shuffle
5-6Step forward on left foot, lock right behind left
7&8Left forward shuffle
9-10Rock forward on right foot, recover on to left foot
11-12Rock back on right foot, recover on to left foot
13-14* Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn to left
15&16Right forward shuffle
Drop right hands and raise left as you turn. Then pick up right hands in a mirror image of Sweetheart Position. Man is on right side of lady
17-18Rock forward on left foot, recover on to right foot
19-20Rock back on left foot, recover on to right foot
21-22Rock forward on left foot, recover on to right foot
23&24Left shuffle step making ½ turn left
You should now be back into original Sweetheart Position
25-26Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot
27-28Step right to right side, step forward on left
29-30Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot
31-32Step right ¼ turn to right, close left foot to right
You should now be in a Tandem-Style Position, man behind lady holding hands over lady's shoulders
33-34Step right to right side, cross left behind right
35-36Step right to right side, touch left beside right
37-38Step left to left side, cross right behind left
39-40Step left ¼ turn to left, scuff right foot forward
You are now back into original Sweetheart Position
41&42Right forward shuffle
43&44Left forward shuffle
45&46Right forward shuffle
47&48Left forward shuffle