Shimmy Shack
Justine Shuttleworth (AUS) & Simon Ward (AUS)
Love Shack - The B-52's
1-4Touch right toe out at 45 degrees right, drop right heel, touch left toe out at 45 degrees left, drop left heel,5-8(with shimmies) step right out at 45 degrees right, step left out at 45 degrees left, step right back center, step left back center, step left back center.9-16Repeat the above 8 counts 17-20Scuff right foot forward, scoot forward on left hitching right, rock forward on right, rock back on left21-24Rock back on right, forward on left, stomp right foot next to left twice 25-28Three step turn to the right, stepping right-left-right and tap left next to right,29-32Three step turn to the left, stepping left-right-left and tap right next to left 33-36Rock back on right, rock forward on left, back on right, forward on left37-40Rock forward on right, back on left, forward on right, back on left 41-44Walk forward right-left-right, hold,45-46Walk forward left, right,47-48Step forward on left making ½ turn right, kick right foot forward 49-50Step right out at 45 degrees right, lock left foot behind right&Step right out at 45 degrees right,51-52Step left out at 45 degrees left, lock right behind left&Step left out at 45 degrees left,53-54Step right out at 45 degrees right, lock left behind right&Step right out at 45 degrees right,55-56Step left out at 45 degrees left, lock right behind left &Step left out at 45 degrees left 57-58Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left transferring the weight onto left59Step forward onto right making a further ¼ turn left and bumping hips right60-64Bump hips left, right-left-right-leftREPEATDURING COUNTS 59-64, TRY THE FOLLOWING HAND MOVEMENTS:59-60Place right hand over left-both are flat with palms down, taking both hands apart switch them over left on top of right61-64With both fists clenched take right hand up and above your head while taking left hand down, switch them over so that left is up and right is down, switch them over again, and once again There is a section in the dance where an additional 32 counts has been added to fit with the music. It occurs during the 8th wall of the dance where the singer sings "Bang, Bang, Bang on the door baby..." You have just completed the right three step turn and you will finish the left three step turn with a ¼ turn left to end up facing the front wall.1-4Stomp right foot forward, hold, stomp left forward, stomp right forward5-8Hold, stomp left forward, right forward, left forward9-12Stomp right to right side, stomp left to left side, hold, hold13-16Shimmy bending knees down and then up17-20Stomp right foot back, hold, stomp left back, stomp right back21-24Hold, stomp left back, right back, left back,25-28Stomp right to right side, left to left side, hold, hold29-32Body roll down and up (or any which way you can) This section is done twice and then the dance will restart from the beginning facing the front wall There is also a short break in the music where the singer sings "Your What? ... Tin Roof Rusted" During this break you throw your hands in the air and wait for the bang and restart where you left off with the diagonal lock steps