She Said What?
Ethelene Tollison (USA) & Jack Tollison (USA)
I Don't Know What She Said - Blaine Larsen
STEP, SLIDE, RIGHT SIDE SHUFFLE, TOE CIRCLES1-2Step right to right, slide left beside right3&4Step right to right, close left beside right, step right to right, with right taking weight5-8In a small circle, slide toes of left to the leftSTEP, SLIDE, LEFT SIDE SHUFFLE, TOE CIRCLES1-2Step left to left, slide right beside left3&4Step left to left, close right beside left, step left to left, with left taking weight5-8In a small circle, slide toes of right to the rightSTEP, HIP BUMPS, STEP, HIP BUMPS1-2Step right forward, bump right hip forward3&4Bump left hip back, bump right hip forward twice5-6Step left forward, bump left hip forward7&8Bump right hip back, bump left hip forward twiceROCK, TRIPLE STEP, ROCK, TRIPLE STEP1-2Rock forward on right, return weight to left3&4Triple in place right, left, right5-6Rock back on left, return weight to right7&8Triple in place left, right, left1/8 PADDLE TURNS1-2Step right forward, turn 1/8 to left, weight on left3-4Step right forward, turn 1/8 to left, weight on left5-6Step right forward, turn 1/8 to left, weight on left7-8Step right forward, turn 1/8 to left, weight on left Styling: rotate hips around to the left while making turns, hold right arm up moving it like turning a lassoROCK, TRIPLE STEP, ROCK TRIPLE STEP1-2Rock forward on right, return weight to left3&4Triple step in place right, left, right5-6Rock forward on left, return weight to right7&8Triple step in place left, right, leftREPEAT