Shake You Down
Shake You Down - Gregory Abbott
SWEEP TURN, CROSS, SWEEP TURN AND SHAKE YOU DOWN HIPS I am including this as 10 counts because the shake you down hips occurs on counts 7-10 but makes sense as an accent in the chorus1-4Start by turning ¼ turn left and step forward left, sweep right foot around making another ¼ turn left facing 6:00, step right across left, turn ¼ turn left and step left5-10Sweep right foot around and turn ¼ turn left facing 12:00 and step with right across left, step side left and rock hips left, right, left, right and on last rock to right turn ¼ turn left (9:00) on the right foot (7-10)COASTER STEP, FAST VINE3&4Back left, together right, forward left5-6&7&8Forward right, fast vine moving forward sort of like a quick traveling lock step syncopated by locking left behind right, forward right, forward left, lock right behind left, forward leftPIVOT TURN, TURNING BOX, VINE1-2Step forward right and turn ½ turn left on (1) facing 3:00, hold 23-4&¼ turn left (12:00) and step forward, side right, cross left over right5-6&Step side right turning ¼ turn left facing 9:00, side left, cross right over left7-8&Side left with ¼ turn left facing 6:00, side right, cross left behind rightRONDE, VINE, PADDLE TURN1-2&3-4Facing 6:00 ronde with right foot sweeping it forward to right and behind, step right behind left, side left, cross right over left, step side left5-8Start a paddle turn to right by stepping on right turning to right, make a full paddle turn by using left to push around &6&7& so you are again facing 6:00, step side rightREPEAT