Scooter's Shuffle
No Options Here - Scooter Lee
BACKWARD SAILOR STEPS1Step back-left behind left leg with right foot&Step to left side with ball of left foot2Step slightly to right side with right foot3Step back-right behind right leg with left foot&Step to right side with ball of right foot4Step slightly to left side with left foot5Step back-left behind left leg with right foot&Step to left side with ball of left foot6Step slightly to right side with right foot7Step back-right behind right leg with left foot&Step to right side with ball of right foot8Step slightly to left side with left footSHUFFLE FORWARD WITH FINGER SNAPS9&Step forward with right foot; step together with left foot10Step forward with right foot/snap fingers11&Step forward with left foot; step together with right foot12Step forward with left foot/snap fingers13&Step forward with right foot; step together with left foot14Step forward with right foot/snap fingers15&Step forward with left foot; step together with right foot16Step forward with left foot/snap fingersRIGHT GRAPEVINE WITH A CHAMBER STEP17Step to right side with right foot18Step across behind right leg with left foot19Step to right side with right foot while turning 1/8 turn left. Bend left knee and lift left heel20Pivot 1/8 turn left on ball of right foot, touch left heel forwardLEFT GRAPEVINE WITH A CHAMBER STEP21Step to left side with left foot22Step across behind left leg with right foot23Step to left side with left foot while turning 1/8 turn right. Bend right knee and lift right heel24Pivot 1/8 turn right on ball of left foot, touch right heel forwardSHUFFLE BACKWARDS WITH FINGER SNAPS25&Step back with right foot; step together with left foot26Step back with right foot/snap fingers27&Step back with left foot; step together with right foot28Step back with left foot/snap fingers29&Step back with right foot; step together with left foot30Step back with right foot/snap fingers31&Step back with left foot; step together with right foot32Step back with left foot/snap fingersROCK BACK-FORWARD-FORWARD-BACK33-34Step back with right foot; rock forward onto left foot35-36Step forward with right foot; rock back onto left footSTOMP RIGHT, STOMP LEFT, HEEL SPLITS37-38Stomp right foot next to left foot; stomp left foot next to right foot39-40Split heels apart; close heels togetherTWO RIGHT KICK-BALL-CHANGES41&Kick right foot forward; step in place with ball of right foot42Step in place with left foot43&Kick right foot forward; step in place with ball of right foot44Step in place with left footTOUCH, ¼ TURN, RIGHT KICK-BALL-CHANGE45-46Touch right toe forward; pivot ¼ turn left on ball of left foot47Kick right foot forward&Step in place with ball of right foot48Step in place with left footREPEAT