Rose Of My Heart
Rose Of My Heart - Johnny Rodriguez
QUARTER TURN TO LEFT (ONE WALL TURN)1Step forward on left foot while turning ¼ turn to left2Step right foot beside left foot3Step left foot beside right foot4Step to rear on right foot5Step left foot beside right foot6Step right foot beside left footQUARTER TURN TO LEFT (ONE WALL TURN)7-12Repeat counts 1-6CROSS STEPS TO RIGHT & LEFT (TWINKLES)13Cross left foot over right foot and step down on left foot14Step right foot beside left foot15Step left foot beside right foot16Cross right foot over left foot and step down on right foot17Step left foot beside right foot18Step right foot beside left footTURN TO LEFT WITH FAN (RONDE')19Step forward on left foot20&21Turn ½ turn to left on ball of left foot while bringing right foot around in a ½ circle sweep from front-to-back as the turn is executed Weight remains on the left foot throughout the turn22Rock forward on right foot23Rock back on left foot24Rock forward on right footTURN TO LEFT WITH FAN (RONDE')25-30Repeat counts 19-24LEFT VINE & LEG SWEEP31Step to left on left foot32Cross right foot behind left foot33Step to left on left foot34Point right toe forward35&36Sweep right toe from front-to-rear (½ circle pattern), ending with right foot behind left foot in 3rd position Weight remains on left footRIGHT VINE & LEG SWEEP37Step to right on right foot38Cross left foot behind right foot39Step to right on right foot40Point left toe forward41&42Sweep left toe from front-to-rear (½ circle pattern), ending with left foot behind right foot in 3rd position Weight remains on right foot½ TURN TO LEFT, STEP TO REAR43Step forward on left foot44&45Turn ½ turn to left while stepping on right foot, then stepping on left foot ("walk the turn")46Step to rear on right foot47Step left foot beside right foot48Step right foot beside left footREPEATRESTART When using the song "Rose of My Heart" (by either artist), on the third and fifth repetitions of the dance, there is a restart after count 24. Dance thru count 24 (the rocks forward and back following the first ronde turn), then restart the dance on count 1