Pure Fantasy
The Way You Love Me (Love To Infinity Mix) - Faith Hill
SCUFF, HITCH. STEP, ROLL & DIP, ROLL & DIP, POINT ¼, POINT ½1&2Scuff right next to left, hitch right knee, step back right3Dip down bending knees and turning upper body ¼ to the right Roll arms in front of chest, right arm should turn toward chest4Straighten up and turn back to face front wall Roll arms in front of chest, right arm should turn away from chest5Dip down bending knees and turning upper body ¼ to the right Roll arms in front of chest, right arm should turn toward chest6Straighten up and turn back to face front wall Roll arms in front of chest, right arm should turn away from chest&7Make a ¼ turn left hitching right knee, point right to right side&8Make ½ turn left hitching right knee, point right to right sideCROSS POINT, CROSS POINT, FULL MONTEREY TURN, POINT LEFT, CROSS, STEP BACK1-2Cross step right over left, point left to left side3-4Cross step left over right, point right to right side5Full clock wise turn on ball of left foot and step right next to left6Point left to left side7-8Cross step left over right, step back rightSIDE STEP, CROSS ROCK, ¼ SHUFFLE FORWARD, STEP ½ PIVOT, STEP1-2Step left to left side, rock right across left3Recover weight to left4&5Make ¼ turn right and shuffle forward: right, left, right6-7Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right8Step forward left Right shoulder should be back and prepped ready for a full turn forwardFULL TURN FORWARD, STEP, TOUCH & KICK, STEP BACK, TWIST & TWIST1Make ½ turn left on ball of left foot, stepping back on right foot2Make ½ turn left on ball of right foot, stepping forward on left foot3Step forward right4&5Touch left toe behind right heel, step back left, kick forward right6Step right foot slightly back7&8Twist heel left, twist heels center, twist heels left making a ¼ turn right End with weight on left footREPEAT