Pit Bulls And Chain Saws (P)
Pit Bulls and Chain Saws - The Bellamy Brothers
Position: Start in Sweetheart positionMAN SHUFFLE RIGHT, SHUFFLE LEFT1&2Shuffle forward right, left, right3&4Shuffle forward left, right, leftROCK-STEP, ¼ TURN RIGHT, STEP5-6Rock forward on right, step back on left7-8Step right ¼ turn to right, step left next to right¼ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH, SIDE STEP, STEP9-10Step right ¼ turn to right, touch left next to right11-12Step left to left, step right next to leftSIDE STEP, TOUCH, ¼ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH Drop left hand, raise right hand for turn follower13-14Step left to left, touch right next to left15-16Step right ¼ turn to right, touch left next to rightSIDE STEP, STEP, SIDE STEP, TOUCH17-18Step left to left right, step left next to right19-20Step left to left, touch right next to leftSIDE STEP, DRAG, ¼ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH21-22Step left to left, drag right next to left23-24Step right ¼ turn to right, touch left next to rightDIAGONAL FORWARD LEFT, TOUCH25-26Step left diagonally forward left, step right next to left27-28Step left diagonally forward left, touch right next to leftDIAGONAL FORWARD RIGHT, STEP29-30Step right diagonally forward right, step left next to right31-32Step right diagonally forward right, touch left next to rightVINE LEFT WITH TOUCH33-34Step left to left, cross right behind left35-36Step left to left, touch right next to leftVINE RIGHT WITH TOUCH37-38(Drop left hand) step right to right, cross left behind right39-40Step right to right, touch left next to rightSTEP, CROSS-TOUCH, STEP, HEEL41-42Step forward on left, touch right toe behind left43-44Step right behind left, touch left heel forwardSTEP, STOMP, HOLD, STOMP, STOMP45-46Step left forward, stomp right next to left47&48Hold, stomp right in place twiceREPEATLADY SHUFFLE RIGHT, SHUFFLE LEFT1&2Shuffle forward right, left, right3&4Shuffle forward left, right, leftROCK-STEP, ¼ TURN RIGHT, STEP5-6Rock forward on right, step back on left7-8Step right ¼ turn to right, step left next to right¼ TURN RIGHT, TOUCH, SIDE STEP, STEP9-10Step right ¼ turn to right, touch left next to right11-12Step left to left, step right next to leftSIDE STEP, TOUCH, ¾ TRAVELING TURN RIGHT13-14Step left to left, touch right next to left15-16Start making ¾ turn to right starting with right, then leftSIDE STEP, DRAG, SIDE STEP, STEP17-18Step right to right, step left next to right19-20Step right to right, touch left next to rightSIDE STEP, DRAG, ¼ TURN LEFT, STEP21-22Step left to left, step right next to left23-24Step left ¼ turn to left (take right hand partner. Partners are now in sweetheart position), step right next to leftDIAGONAL FORWARD LEFT, TOUCH25-26Step left diagonally forward left, step right next to left27-28Step left diagonally forward left, touch right next to leftDIAGONAL FORWARD RIGHT, TOUCH, SIDE STEP, STEP29-30Step right diagonally forward right, step left next to right31-32Step right diagonally forward right, touch left next to rightVINE LEFT WITH TOUCH33-34Step left to left, cross right behind left35-36Step left to left, step right next to leftFULL TRAVELING TURN RIGHT, TOUCH37-38Make full turn to right starting with right, the left39-40Finish turn (take right hand partner and thus come back in sweetheart position), touch right next to leftSTEP, CROSS-TOUCH, STEP, HEEL41-42Step forward left, touch right toe behind left43-44Step right behind left, touch left heel forwardSTEP, STOMP, HOLD, STOMP, STOMP45-46Step left forward, stomp right next to left47&48Hold, stomp right in place twiceREPEAT