More Then Gold
Intermediate east coast swing
Nicole Griehsler (AUT)
(I Got You And) That's Enough - Brook Benton
TRIPLE STEP RIGHT, ROCK STEP, TRIPLE STEP ¼ TURN, RIGHT TRIPLE STEP ½ TURN RIGHT1&2Step right foot to right, step left foot to right, step right foot to right3-4Step left foot behind right foot, rock weight back on right foot5&6Step left foot to left, make a ¼ turn right stepping right together, step left foot back7&8Turn ¼ right while stepping right foot to right, step left foot together, turn ¼ stepping right foot forwardROCK STEP, TRIPLE BACK, SCOOT BACK, COASTER STEP1-2Step left foot forward, rock weight back on right foot3&4Left foot step behind, right foot together, left foot step back5&Scoot back on left foot while hitching right foot, step right foot back*6&Scoot back on right foot while hitching left foot, step left foot back*7&8Right foot step back, left foot step together, right foot step forwardTOE STRUTS, ¼ TURN RIGHT WITH SWEEP, TOUCH, ROCK STEP ½ TURN,1-2Touch left foot forward, step on left foot (point right finger forward on word you)3-4Touch right foot forward, step on right foot (point left finger forward on word you)5-6Turn ¼ right on right foot while sweeping left foot from back to front, end with a touch forward7-8Step on left foot, rock weight back on right foot turn ½ leftTRIPLE STEP LEFT, ROCK STEP, STEP CROSS SNAP, STEP CROSS SNAP1&2Step left foot to left, step right foot together, step left foot to left3-4Step right foot in front of left foot, rock weight back on left foot&5-6Step right foot to right, cross left foot over of right foot, snap with both hands height of your chest&7-8Step right foot to right, cross left foot over right foot, snap with both hands downREPEATTAG On 4th and 8th wall, (both times back wall), instead of going on with a triple step after count 24, step left foot to left1-2Elvis knee right, hold3-4Switch to left, hold5-6Both knees twist to left, both knees to right7-8Both knees to left, hold (weight's left) Alternative: just make two steps, with a light hitch, back starting right foot