Memories - Easy-Rider
1&2Right shuffle forward3&4Left shuffle forward5Rock forward on right foot6Recover weight back on to left7&8Right coaster step 1Step forward on left2Pivot ½ turn right (weight on right)3Step forward on left4Hitch right ankle behind left knee and slap with left hand5Step back on right6Hitch left knee and slap with right hand If able, replace knee slap with left ankle slap in front of right knee7Step forward on left foot8Brush right foot forward 1&2Right side shuffle3Rock back on left foot4Recover on to right5&6Left side shuffle7Rock back on right8Recover on to left 1&2Right forward shuffle3-4Step left forward pivot ½ turn5-6Step left forward pivot ¼ turn7Step left forward8Brush right foot forwardREPEAT