Love Thang
Love Thang - John Permenter
1Right step forward (angle body and foot slightly right)2Hold3Left step forward (angle body and foot slightly left)4Hold5Right step forward (angle body and foot slightly right)6Left step forward (angle body and foot slightly left)7Right step forward (angle body and foot slightly right)8Left step ¼ turn to left Styling should flow and look slight swivels 1-8. 9-11Right vine(right to right side, left cross behind, right to right side)12Hitch left knee and clap hands (while doing ½ turn to right)13-16Left vine(left to left side, right cross behind, left to left side) hitch right knee and clap 17-24Repeat steps 1-8 25-26Scoot back twice on left foot27Right step back28Left touch next to right29Left step forward30Right step next to left31-32Right swivel (weight on left toes and right heels turn toes right and back to center) 33-34Right kick forward, right kick to right side35&36Triple step turning half right (right-left-right)37-38Left kick forward, left kick to left side39&40Left sailor step 41Right stomp forward42Hold43-44Circle (grind) hips to left twice45Stomp left next to right46Hold and clap once&47Syncopated jump forward (right and left)48ClapREPEAT