Little Cowboy's
The Old Stuff - Garth Brooks
STROLLING DUCKWALKS1Keeping toes in place swivel heels diagonally forward left2Keeping heels in place swivel toes to center3Keeping toes in place swivel both heels diagonally forward right4Keeping heels in place swivel toes to center5Keeping toes in place swivel heels diagonally forward left6Keeping heels in place swivel toes to center7Keeping toes in place swivel both heels diagonally forward right8Keeping heels in place swivel toes to centerKICK, CROSS, ¾ TURN, PAUSE9-10Kick right foot forward, cross right foot in front of left leg11-12Pivot ¾ turn left, pause for 1 beatRIGHT AND LEFT TOE, HEEL, STEP, PAUSE, RIGHT SHUFFLE BACKWARDS13-14Touch right toe forward pointing heel out, touch right heel forward pointing toe out15-16Step right foot down in front of left, pause for 1 beat17-18Touch left toe forward pointing heel out, touch left heel forward pointing toe out19-20Step left foot down in front of right, pause for 1 beat21&22Step back on right, step together on left, step back on rightBUMP HIPS FORWARD TWICE, BACK TWICE, LEFT VINE AND SCUFF, RIGHT VINE AND STEP IN PLACE23-24Bump hips diagonally forward to the left twice25-26Bump hips diagonally backwards to the right twice27-30Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, scuff right31-34Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step left to left side, step right in placeREPEAT