Letting Go
Out of Reach - Gabrielle
BEHIND AND SIDE, BEHIND AND SIDE, WEAVE RIGHT ¼ TURN RIGHT & POINT1&2Step back on left foot (5th dance position), step right foot in place, step left foot to side3&4Step back on right foot (5th dance position), step left foot in place, step right foot to side5&6&Step left foot behind right, step right to side, cross left foot in front of right step right to side7&8Step left foot behind right, step right foot forward into ¼ turn right, point left toe to the sideBEHIND AND SIDE, BEHIND AND SIDE, WEAVE RIGHT, STEP FORWARD1&2Step back on left foot (5th dance position), step right foot in place, step left foot to side3&4Step back on right foot (5th dance position), step left foot in place, step right foot to right side5&6&Step left foot behind right, step right to side, cross left foot in front of right step right to side7&8Step left foot behind right, step right foot to side, step left foot forwardSTEP ½ PIVOT TURN LEFT, FULL TURN RIGHT, RIGHT COASTER STEP, WALK LEFT, RIGHT1&2Step forward right, ½ pivot turn left, step forward right3&4Step forward left, spin full turn right on ball of right, step left beside right5&6Step right foot back, step left foot beside left, step right foot forward7-8Walk forward left, rightROCK ½ TURN LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD RIGHT, STEP ¼ PIVOT CROSS, ROCK STEP1&2Rock forward on left, rock back on right, making ½ turn left step forward on left3&4Shuffle forward, right, left, right5&6Step forward left, pivot ¼ turn right, step left across right7-8Rock out to the right, replace weight to leftCROSS ROCK, SIDE SHUFFLE RIGHT, CROSS ROCK, SIDE SHUFFLE LEFT1-2Rock right foot in front of left, replace weight to left3&4Shuffle to the side, right, left, right5-6Rock left foot in front of right, replace weight to right7&8Shuffle to the side, left, right, leftROCK FORWARD AND BACK, POINT AND SWITCH AND POINT AND SWITCH1-2Rock forward on right foot, rock back on left (styling: the rock forward is a kind of lunge - similar to "stormy waters", rising slightly on the ball of the foot)3-4Rock back on right foot, rock forward on left5&6&Point right toe to the side, step right foot next to left, point left toe to the side, step left foot down in place7&8&Point right toe to the side, step right foot next to left, point left toe to side, step left foot down in place Styling: the toe switches are funky and kept low - they also travel slightly to the left. As you point your toe to the right, your body leans to the left, as you switch and point the left toe, your body leans to the rightROCK FORWARD & BACK, RIGHT LOCK BACK, TOUCH ½ TURN, WALK LEFT, RIGHT1-2Rock forward on right, rock back on left3&4Lock step back, right, left, right5-6Touch left toe back, reverse pivot ½ turn left (weight stays on right)7-8Walk forward left, rightROCK FORWARD & BACK, LEFT LOCK BACK, UNWIND ¾ TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD LEFT1-2Rock forward on left, rock back on right3-4Lock step back, left, right, left5-6Cross right foot behind left, unwind ¾ turn right (weight on right)7&8Shuffle forward, left, right, leftROCK AND CROSS, ROCK AND CROSS, ¾ TURN RIGHT, ROCK BACK RIGHT, WALK LEFT RIGHT1&2Rock out to the right, replace weight to left, cross right in front of left3&4Rock out to the left, replace weight to right, cross left in front of right5&6Making ¼ turn right, step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn right on ball of left, step back on right popping left knee7-8Walk forward left, rightWALK LEFT, MAMBO FORWARD RIGHT, LEFT LOCK BACK, COASTER STEP, ¼ PIVOT RIGHT POINT LEFT1-2&3Walk forward left, rock forward on right, back on left, step back right4&5Lock step back left, right, left6&7Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right foot forward8Making a ¼ turn to the right, point left to the sideREPEAT