Let The Good Times Roll
Improver west coast swing
Rick Robinson (USA) & Carolyn Robinson (USA)
Further On Up the Road - Eric Clapton
full turn PADDLE TURNS1-2Side touch right & roll hips ¼ left3-8Repeat counts 1, 2 three (3) more times facing original wallTRIPLE, ½ TURN RIGHT, TRIPLE, ¼ TURN LEFT1&2Step right forward, step left toe beside right heel, step right forward3-4Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right5&6Step left forward, step right toes beside left heel, step left forward7-8Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn leftHOP-STEPS FORWARD WITH CLAP, HIP BUMPS, HOP-STEPS BACK WITH CLAP, HIP BUMPS&1-2Step right forward, step left beside right, clap hands3&4Bump hips right-left-right&5-6Step left back, step right back beside left, clap hands7&8Bump hips left-right-leftROCK STEP, RIGHT ½ TURN TRIPLE, PIVOT RIGHT ½ TURN, TRIPLE FORWARD1-2Rock right forward, recover left3&4Turning right-step right ¼ turn, step left ¼ right, step right forward5-6Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right7&8Step left forward, step right toe to left heel, step left forwardDWIGHT YOAKUM STEPS TWICE, ROCK STEP, SIDE TRIPLE ¼ RIGHT1-2Touch right toe while moving left heel right, touch right heel while moving left toe right3-4Touch right toe while moving left heel right, touch right heel while moving left toe right5-6Rock right forward, recover left7&8Step right ¼ right, step left beside right, side step rightfull turn RIGHT TURN, CROSS ROCK, SIDE ROCK, CROSS & CROSS TRIPLE1-2Step left ½ turn right, step right ½ turn right3-4Cross rock left over right, recover right5-6Side rock left, recover right7&8Cross left over right, side step right, cross left over rightREPEAT
During the 2nd repetition of the dance the vocals come in. Dance the 2nd repetition through count 32 and then restart the dance at the beginning