Kentucky Moon
Blue Moon of Kentucky - The GrooveGrass Boyz
MAMBO ROCKS, ROCK BACK, ½ RIGHT MAMBO TURN1&2Step right to side, rock weight to left foot. Step right next to left3&4Step left to side, rock weight to right foot. Step left next to right5&6Step back on right foot, rock weight onto left step right foot beside left7&8Step left, right, left, making ½ turn to the rightMAMBO ROCKS, ROCK BACK, ½ RIGHT MAMBO TURN9-16Repeat steps 1-8SIDE STEPS, COASTER CROSS17-18Step right to side. Cross left behind right19&20Step right to side, step left next to right, cross right over left21-22Step left to side, cross right behind left23&24Step left to side, step right beside left, cross left over rightHEEL GRIND ¼ TURN RIGHT, COASTER STEP25-26Grind right heel forward making ¼ turn right, step back on left foot27&28Step back on right, step back on left, step forward on rightSTOMP, HOLD, ½ RIGHT TURN29-30Stomp left foot forward. Hold31&32With weight on balls of both feet make ½ turn to right bouncing both heels 3 timesREPEAT