Keep On Try'n'
Carolyn Robinson (USA)
Keep On Movin' - Five
THE MAIN DANCE STEP, TOUCH1Step right to side (2nd position)2Touch left together (1st position)STEP, TOUCH3Step left to side (2nd position)4Touch right together (1st position)STEP, TOGETHER, STEP, TOUCH5Step right to side (2nd position)6Step left together (1st position)7Step right to side (2nd position)8Touch left together (1st position)STEP, TOUCH1Step left to side (2nd position)2Touch right together (1st position)STEP, TOUCH3Step right to side (2nd position)4Touch left together (1st position)STEP, TOGETHER, STEP, TOUCH5Step left to side (2nd position)6Step right together (1st position)7Step left to side (2nd position)8Touch right together (1st position)ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER STEP1Step right forward (ball of foot-right heel to left toe) (5th position)2Recover-stepping left in place (5th position)ROCK BACK, RECOVER STEP3Step right back (ball of foot-right toe to left heel) (5th position)4Recover-stepping right in place (5th position)GRAPEVINE RIGHT WITH TOUCH5Step right to side (2nd position)6Step left toe angled behind right heel (5th position)7Step right to side (2nd position)8Touch left together (1st position)ROCK FORWARD, RECOVER STEP1Step left forward (ball of foot-left heel to right toe) (5th position)2Recover, stepping right in place (5th position)ROCK BACK, RECOVER STEP3Step left back (ball of foot-left toe to right heel) (5th position)4Recover, stepping right in place (5th position)GRAPEVINE LEFT WITH TOUCH5Step left to side (2nd position)6Step right toe angled behind left heel (5th position)7Step left to side (2nd position)8Touch right together (1st position) Following are the different sections you can add to the main dance. Mix and match in any order you prefer for your students in order to introduce new dance basic steps. Add as many or as few to end up with a comfortable warm-up dance for each new lessonPART A (TRIPLE STEPS & MONTEREY TURN) TRIPLE STEP FORWARD (RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT)1Step right forward (4th position)&Step left instep close to right heel (3rd position)2Step right forward (4th position)TRIPLE STEP FORWARD (LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT)3Step left forward (4th position)&Step right instep close to left heel (3rd position)4Step left forward (4th position)MONTEREY ½ TURN RIGHT5Side point right (2nd position)6(Torque (turn) upper body slightly to left to prepare a half turn right) sweep right foot around & behind (left) and stepping beside left foot as you complete ½ turn. (1st position)7Side point left (2nd position)8Step left together (1st position) 9-16Repeat counts 1-8 above This will bring you back to your wall of origin and still keeps the dance as a 1-wall dance. For a challenge, try touching on the 8th count and proceed with counts 9-16 dancing opposite. For example, Triple forward LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT twice and execute a Monterey ½ turn leftPART B (STEP HOLDS AND BUMPS) STEP, HOLD1Step right forward (4th position)2HoldPIVOT TURN, HOLD3Pivot ¼ turn left (pivoting on balls of feet and transferring weight to left) (2nd position)4HoldHIP BUMPS RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT5Bump hips right&Bump hips left6Bump hips right-weight on right (2nd position)HIP BUMPS LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT7Bump hips left&Bump hips right8Bump hips left-weight on left (2nd position) 9-16Repeat counts 1-8 above. This will have you facing the opposite wall of origin thus making the dance a 2-wall dance Options: Clap or snap fingers on the HOLD counts. For beginners: it might be easier to touch the right forward (#1) and pivot on the left without trying to remember a weight changePART C (STOMP, BOUNCE, KICK-BALL-CHANGE) STOMP, BOUNCE 3X WITH ¼ TURN LEFT1Stomp forward right (up-stomp, do not transfer weight onto right, keep weight on both feet) (4th position)2-3-4Bounce heels 3 times turning body ¼ turn left---weight left (2nd position)KICK-BALL-CHANGE5Kick right forward (4th position)&Step right (ball of foot) beside left (1st position)6Step left in place (1st position)KICK-BALL-CHANGE7Kick right forward (4th position)&Step right (ball of foot) beside left (1st position)8Touch left in place (1st position)STOMP, BOUNCE 3X WITH ¼ TURN RIGHT1Stomp forward left (up-stomp, do not transfer weight onto right, keep weight on both feet) (4th position)2-3-4Bounce heels 3 times turning body ¼ turn right---weight right (2nd position)KICK-BALL-CHANGE5Kick left forward (4th position)&Step left (ball of foot) beside right (1st position)6Step right in place (1st position)KICK-BALL-CHANGE7Kick left forward (4th position)&Step left (ball of foot) beside right (1st position)8Touch right in place (1st position)PART D (JAZZ BOXES & COASTER STEPS) JAZZ BOX1Cross right over left (5th position)2Step left back (4th position)3Step right back (2nd position)4Step left together (1st position)ROCK, RECOVER5Rock right forward-ball of foot (5th position)6Recover left-ball of foot (5th position)COASTER STEP (RIGHT)7Step right back (4th position)&Step left back (1st position)8Step right forward (4th position)JAZZ BOX TURNING ¼ LEFT1Cross left over right (5th position)2Step right back (4th position)3Step left forward ¼ turn left (extended 5th position)4Step right forward (1st position)ROCK, RECOVER5Rock left forward -on ball of foot (5th position)6Recover right -ball of foot (5th position)COASTER STEP (LEFT)7Step left back (4th position)&Step right back (1st position)8Step left forward (4th position)PART E (SAILOR STEPS) SIDE ROCK STEP1Side rock right-on ball of foot (2nd position)2Recover left - on ball of foot (2nd position)SAILOR STEP3Cross right behind left (5th position)&Step left to side (2nd position)4Step right in place (2nd position)PIVOT ½ TURN RIGHT5Step left forward-on ball of foot (4th position)6(Keep ball of right foot anchored), pivot ½ turn right on balls of both feet, transferring weight left (4th position)TRIPLE FORWARD RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT7Step right forward (4th position)&Step left instep close to right heel (3rd position)8Step right forward (4th position)SIDE ROCK STEP1Side rock left-ball of foot (2nd position)2Recover left-ball of foot (2nd position)SAILOR STEP3Step left behind right (5th position)&Step right to side (2nd position)4Step right in place (2nd position)PIVOT ½ TURN LEFT5Step right forward-on ball of foot (4th position)6(Keep ball of left foot anchored), pivot ½ turn left of balls of both feet, transferring weight right (4th position)TRIPLE FORWARD LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT7Step left forward (4th position)&Step right instep close to left heel (3rd position)8Step left forward (4th position) "Anchored": pretend the ball of your foot is nailed to the floor. You will be able to pivot the foot around, but will not be able to move the foot out of place The purpose of this dance is to offer instructors a BEGINNER dance that helps teach the basic dance steps for line dancing. With this dance, you can start your students on the first 32 counts and add sections to the dance until all the basics have been taught. This will give the student a Basic pattern to begin with and then add sections as more basic steps are introduced. Incorporate other dances while using this dance, to give the student variety