Loved You for a Lifetime

Lu Olsen (AUS) & Julie Hearne (AUS) - March 2025
Loved You for a Lifetime (feat. Mia Niles) - Malena Stark : (iTunes)

#32 count intro - Start just before vocals Ver: 1.00

[1-8] Fwd, ½ back, R Coaster, Fwd, Back angle body, Cross, Back 6.00,
1, 2,Step R fwd, ½ Right turn & step L back,
3 & 4Step R back, Step L tog, Step R fwd 6.00
5, 6,Step L fwd, Recover back on R (Angle body to right), 6.00
7, 8Cross L over R, Step R back, 6.00

[9-16] ½ fwd, Scuff fwd, Shuffle fwd, Fwd, ½ pivot, ½ Back, ¼ side
1, 2,½ Left turn & step L fwd, Scuff R fwd 12.00
3 & 4Shuffle fwd stepping R,L,R, 12.00
5, 6, 7, 8Step L fwd, ½ Right pivot turn, ½ Right turn & step L back, ¼ Right & R to Right 3.00

[17-24] Cross, Hold, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Side, Cross,
1, 2, & 3, 4,Cross L over R, Hold, Step R to Right, Step L behind R, Step R to Right, 3.00
5, 6, 7, 8Cross L over R, Step R to Right, Step L to Left, Cross R over L 3.00

[25-32] Side, Side, ¼ L turn L Sailor, Fwd, ¼ Pivot, Fwd, ¼ pivot
1, 2,Rock L to Left, Rock R to right, 3.00
3 & 4(1/4 turn L sailor) Step L behind R, ¼ Left turn & step R to right, Step L fwd, 12.00
5, 6, 7, 8,Step R fwd, ¼ Left pivot turn, Step R fwd, ¼ Left pivot turn 6.00

[33-40] Cross, Tap behind, Back, Side, Cross, Tap Behind, Back, ¼ L fwd
1, 2, 3, 4Cross R over L, Tap L toe behind R, Step L back, Step R to Right 6.00
5, 6, 7, 8Cross L over R, Tap R toe behind L, Step R back, ¼ left turn & step L fwd 3.00

[41-48] ½ L turning R shuffle, L back, Recover, ½ back, ¼ side, Fwd, Scuff
1 & 2½ Left turning shuffle stepping R, L, R, 9.00
3, 4Step L back, Recover onto R, 3.00
5, 6, 7, 8** ½ Right turn & step L back, ¼ Right turn & step R to Right, Step L fwd, Scuff R fwd ** 6.00
(**End of Wall 1 -restart Wall 2 to 6.00) and (**End of Wall 4- restart Wall 5 to 12.00)

[49-56] Rock fwd, Push Back into ½ turn, Rock fwd, Push Back, Back, ½ fwd, Fwd, ¼ side,
1, 2,Rock R fwd, Push back onto L into ½ Right turn (Lift RF), 12.00
3, 4,# Rock R fwd, Push and step back onto L # 12.00
(# End of Wall 2..restart Wall 3 to 12.00)
5, 6, 7, 8,Step R back, ½ left turn & step L fwd, Step R fwd, ¼ left pivot turn & step L to left 3.00

[57-64] Cross Toe strut, ½ turn, Cross shuffle, Side, Recover, Behind, ¼ fwd
1, 2(Cross toe strut) Cross R toe over L, Drop R heel, 3.00
&½ Left turn (legs are crossed) 9.00
3 & 4(Cross shuffle) Cross L over R, Step R to Right, Cross L over R, 9.00
5, 6, 7, 8Step R to right, Recover onto L, Step R behind L, ¼ Left turn & step L fwd 6.00

Short Walls:
Wall 1 (12.00) dance to count 48 ** Restart Wall 2 to 6.00
Wall 2 (6.00) dance to count 52 # (add- push into ½ right turn to Restart Wall 3 to 12.00
Wall 4 (6.00) dance to count 48 ** Restart Wall 5 to 12.00

Ending: Wall 8 (6.00) Dance first 5 counts to finish at 12.00

Lu Olsen: Mob: +61 438 735 122 Julie Hearne : +61 417 417 273
Email: Email: