Pica Pica Cha Cha

Eny Frihdihastuti (INA) - January 2025
PICA PICA - Juan Reza

intro : 16 count

***3 tags : (4 count) - touch forward
1-2touch R forward - step R back in place
3-4touch L forward - step L back in place
Tag at the end of wall 2 (06.00), wall 3 (03.00) & wall 5 (09.00)

Section 1 : forward lock shuffle R-L, forward mambo, back lock shuffle
1&2step R forward - lock L behind R - step R forward
3&4step L forward - lock R behind L - step L forward
5&6step R forward - recover on L - step R back
7&8step L back - lock R over L - step L back

Section 2 : Scissors R-L, turn 1/4 R, shuffle forward R-L
1&2step R to side - close L next to R - cross R over L
3&4step L to side - close R next to L - cross L over R
5&61/4 turn R, step R forward - close L next to R - step R forward (03.00)
7&81/4 turn R, step L forward - close R next to L - step L forward (06.00)

Section 3 : Side, close, chasse R-L
1-2step R to side - close L next to R
3&4step R to side - close L next to R - step R to side
5-6step L to side - close R next to L
7&8step L to side - close R next to L - step L to side

Section 4 : Jazz box turn 1/4 R, rocking chair
1-2turn 1/4 R, cross R over L - step L behind R (09.00)
3-4step R to side - step L forward
5-6step R forward - recover on L
7-8step R back - recover on L

enjoy the dance ❤️