End of the World

Absolute Beginner - Rolling Count
Yu Sugawara (JP) & Rika Miyazawa (JP) - November 2024
The End of the World - Skeeter Davis

Intro:from the vocal
(1-4) L Sway, R Sway, Box,
1Sway to left stepping L side,
2Sway to right shifting weight to R,
3a4Step L side, Step R next to L, Step L forward,

(5-8) R Sway, L Sway, Box,
5Sway to right stepping R side,
6Sway to left shifting weight to L,
7a8Step R side, Step L next to L, Step R back,

(9-12) Lock Back diagonally to left, Lock Back diagonally to right,
1a2Step ball of L back, Step R cross over L, Step L back diagonally,
3a4Step ball of R back, Step L cross over R, Step R back diagonally,

(13-16) Step back, Hook, Forward Shuffle,
5-6Step L back, Hook R in front of L,
7a8Step R forward, Step L beside R, Step R forward,

Start the dance over again by adding 1/4 turn right Stepping L side, (1)

Option: 7a8 / Change “Forward Shuffle” to “Full Turn”
7a8Step R forward, 1/2 turn right stepping L back, 1/2 turn right stepping R forward,
Start the dance over again by adding another 1/4 turn right Stepping L side, (1)

Ending : From the 9th count on the 10th wall, slow down to the song. Hold on the back step on the 13th count. After hearing "good bye", start dancing from the hook. After dancing the first 4 counts from 6 o'clock, raise your right hand in front of you once, then swing it down while doing a 1/2 turn to the right to finish.

Enjoy Dance