Long LIVE Country Music 4-2 (P)
Marianne Hjort (DK) & Henrik Hjort (DK) - June 2024
Long Live Country Music (feat. Brooks & Dunn) - Cody Johnson
Intro: 16 Count
Position: Sweetheart facing LOD – Same footwork throughout
SECTION 1: Stomp R Fwd., Swivel L, Stomp L Fwd, Swivel R
1-2Stomp R Fwd. to R diagonal (1), Swivel L heel toward R (2),
3-4Swivel L Toe toward R (3), Swivel L Heel toward R (4) (Weight on R)
5-6Stomp L Fwd. to L diagonal (5), Swivel R heel toward L (6),
7-8Swivel R toe toward L (7), Swivel R heel toward L (8) (Wight on L)
SECTION 2: Side Together Forward, Touch, Side Together Forward, Touch
1-2Step R to R (1), Step L next to R (2),
3-4Step R Fwd. (3), Touch L to R (4)
5-6Step L to L (5), Step R next to L (6),
7-8Step L Fwd. (7), Touch RF to L (8)
SECTION 3: Tap R Heel Fwd., Hold, Tap R Toe Back, Hold, Step Pivot ½ L, Step Pivot ½ L
1-2Tap R Heel Fwd. (1), Hold (2),
3-4Tap R Heel Back (3), Hold (4)
5-6Step Fwd. R (5), Turn ½ L (6) (Release L hand),
7-8Step Fwd. R (7) (Rejoin L Hands, release R hand), Turn ½ L (8) – (Rejoin L Hands)
SECTION 4: Shuffle Forward with scuff x 2
1-2Step R Fwd. (1), Step L next to R (2),
3-4Step R Fwd. (3), Scuff (4)
5-6Step L Fwd. (5), Step R next to L (6),
7-8Step R Fwd. (7), Scuff (8)
* During Wall 2 after 24 Counts
* During Wall 5 after 16 Counts
* During Wall 7 after 24 Counts
Have fun 😊