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Karen Hill (UK) - 5 March 2024
Follow Your Arrow - Kacey Musgraves
Count in : 16
Section 1: side together, shuffle forward x 2
1 – 2Step right to right side, step left next to right (weight on left)
3 & 4Right shuffle forward
5 – 6Step left to left side, step right foot next to left ( weight on right)
7 & 8Left shuffle forward
Section 2: Quarter turn, weave, heel forward, hold. Cross shuffle
1 – 2Step right foot forward, quarter turn to left (weight on left foot)
3 & 4 &Right cross in front of left, left foot to left side, right cross in front of left, cross left behind right.
5 & 6Right heel forward, hold whilst you double clap
&Bring right foot in place
7 & 8Cross left in front of right, small step with right, cross left in front of right (cross shuffle)
Section 3: Right side together, quarter turn right shuffle, step left foot forward quarter turn to right, left cross shuffle
1 – 2Step right to right side, step left foot next to right, taking weight.
3 & 4Step right side, together with left, quarter turn right
5 – 6Step left foot forward, quarter turn to right ( weight on right)
7 & 8Cross left foot over right, small step with right, step left over right (cross shuffle)
Section 4: Right side rock recover, behind side cross. Rock forward left recover, left coaster cross
1 – 2Rock weight out to right side, recover weight onto left
3 & 4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right in front of left.
5 – 6Rock weight forward onto left foot, recover weight onto right foot in place
7 & 8Step left foot back, bring right foot next to left, cross left in front of right
Enjoy! Dedicated to the 3 wise chimps
Released 5th March 2024
Last Update: 1 Jan 2025