My Mistake To Make
Hanne Delahaut (BEL) & Marthijn Houben (BEL) - May 2022
Info : Start after ‘My mistake to make all night’ + 4 counts.
Section 1: Stomp, kick ¼ R, Coaster, Hip bump, Pivot ¾ .
1 , 2RF stomp close to LF, RF kick and turn ¼ R
3 & 4RF step bwd., LF step close to RF, RF step fwd.
5 & 6LF bump hip fwd, RF weight back, LF bump hip fwd.
7 , 8RF step fwd, turn ¾ L. (weight on your LF)
Section 2: Chassé R, Heel swivel L&R, Jazz box touch.
1 & 2RF step aside, LF step close to RF, RF step aside.
3 & 4 &LF swivel heel inside, recover, RF swivel heel inside, recover.
5,6,7,8LF step across RF, RF step bwd, LF step aside, RF touch close to LF.
Section 3: Skate R&L, lock step, rock fwd., Coaster.
1 , 2RF skate diag. Fwd, LF skate diag. Fwd.
3 & 4RF step fwd, LF lock behind RF, RF step fwd.
5 , 6LF rock fwd, recover
7 & 8LF step bwd, RF step close to RF, LF step fwd.
Section 4: 2X Pivot ½, 2X Scissor.
1 , 2RF step fwd, turn ½ L
3 , 4RF step fwd, turn ½ L
5 & 6RF step aside, LF step close to RF, RF step across LF.
7 & 8LF step aside, RF step close to LF, LF step across RF.
Restart wall 3 after 12 counts (section 2, count 4)
Restart wall 5 after 16 counts (section 2)
Restart wall 8 after 18 counts (section 3, count 2)