I'm Never Really Gone
Georgie Mygrant (USA) - May 2022
When I'm Gone - Alesso & Katy Perry
Intro: 32 counts No Tags
1-4Rock Fwd. on R, Rock back on L, Rock back on R, return fwd. to L
5-8Rock R fwd. Step on L, Rock R side, step on L
L Behind R Weave L, V Step R
1-4Step R behind L, Step L, R over L, Step on L,
5-8Step R fwd. diagonal, step L across from R, step back diagonal on R, touch L
Weave R, V Step L
1-4Step L over R, step R, L behind R, Step on R.
5-8Step L fwd. diagonal, Step R across from L, step back diagonal on L, Touch R
Jazz Box ¼ to R, 2 Hops Fwd.
1-4-5&6-7&8Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R, step on R, Step on L, Hop fwd. (5-6), Hop fwd. (7-8)
That’s it! Hope you like it, mygeo@adamswells.com.
Please do not alter routine without my permission.