Castles and Love
Angéline Fourmage (FR) - April 2020
Castles - Freya Ridings
No Tag – No Restart
Start : On the lyrics
[1-8] Triple-Step, Triple-Step, Rock-Step, Mambo
1&2RF FW, LF next to RF, RF FW
3&4LF FW, RF next to LF, LF FW
5-6RF FW, Recover to LF
7&8RF to R side, Recover to LF, RF next to LF
[9-16] Mambo, Together, Mambo, Together, Rocking-Chair
1&2LF to L side, Recover to RF, LF next to RF
3&4RF to R side, Recover to LF, RF next to LF
5-6LF FW, Recover to RF
7-8LF Back, Recover to RF
[17-24] Rock-Step, Triple-Step, Coester-Step, Stomp-Up, Side
1-2LF FW, Recover to RF
3&4LF back, RF next to LF, LF Back
5&6RF Back, LF next to RF, RF FW
7-8Stomp Up LF to L side, LF to L side (Weight is on RF)
[25-32] Bump, Bump, Bump, Together, Bump, Bump, Bump, Together
1-2L Bump(weightison LF), R Bump (weightis on RF)
3-4L Bump (weightis on LF), RF next to LF
5-6LF to L Side with L Bump (weight is on LF), R Bump (weight is on RF)
7-8L Bump (weight is on LF), Recover to RF with LF next to RF (weight is on LF)
*Option 4 Walls
*[25-32] Bump, Bump, Bump, Together, Bump, Bump, Bump, Together 1/4L
1-2L Bump(weightison LF), R Bump (weightis on RF)
3-4L Bump (weightis on LF), RF next to LF
5-6LF to L Side with L Bump (weight is on LF), R Bump (weight is on RF)
7-8L Bump (weight is on LF), Make ¼ L Recover to RF with LF next to RF (weight is on LF)
Smile and enjoy the dance