Ship and Bottle
Julie Dean (UK) - May 2019
The Ship and the Bottle - Brett Young : (CD: Ticket to L.A.)
Alternative: Will fit to any nice cha cha track
Count In: 16 counts from start of track
No Tags, No Restarts
Section 1 – Right Side, Rock Cross Shuffle, Left Side Rock, Cross Shuffle
1,2Rock right to right side, recover left
3&4Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5,6Rock left to left side, recover
7&8Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right
Section 2 – Grapevine Right, ¼ Turn Shuflle, Step Back, ½ Turn, Left Shuffle Forward
1,2Step right to right side, cross step left behind right
3&4¼ Right stepping forward on right, step right next to left, step forward on right
5,6Step back on left foot, ½ turn stepping forward on right
7&8Step forward on left, step right next to left, step forward on left
Section 3 – Right Paddle turn 1/8 left x 2, Right Mambo forward, Left Coaster Step
1,2Step forward right, paddle turn 1/8 left
3,4Step forward right, paddle turn 1/8 left
5&6Rock forward right, recover back left, step back right
7&8Step back left, step right next to left, step forward left
Section 4 – Jazz box ¼ turn Right, Tap, Step Lock Step, ¼ right x 2
1,2,Cross step right over left, step back left
3,4Step right ¼ right, tap left behind right
5&6Step left back, cross step right in front of left, step left back
7,8Step right ¼ turn right, step forward left ¼ turn
**Note: Towards the end of the dance, there is a break in the music, keep tempo and continue dancing until the end.
Submitted by - Donna Hardman: