Wind Song

Improver NC2S
Kyung jo Kim (KOR) - March 2018
Wind Song - Sohyang

Intro: 8count

[1-8] Basic Right, Step Left, Walks 1/8 Right Diagonal Back, 1/8 Left Step With Sway, Vine 1/4 Right,
1 2&Step R to right, close L behind R, cross R over L
3 4&Step L to left, Making 1/8 Turn R (1:30) step bwd R,L
5 6Making 1/8 Turn L (12:00) step R to right with sway right, sway left
7 8&Step R to right, cross L behind R, making 1/4 Turn R (3:00) step R fwd

[9-16] Step With Sweepⅹ2, Weave With Sweep, Weave, Basic Left
1 2Step L fwd with sweep R front, step R fwd with sweep L front
3&4Cross L over R, step R to right, step L back with sweep R back
5&6Cross R behind L, step L to left, cross R over L
7 8&Step L to left, closer R behind L, cross L over R

[17-24] Rock 1/8 Right, Recover, Step Back, Rock Back, Recover, Step Fwd, Step Right, Drag , Full Turn Left
1 2&3Making 1/8 Turn R (4:30) step R fwd, recover L, step R back, step L back
4&5Recover R, step L fwd, Making 1/8 Turn L (3:00) step R side right
6 7&8Drag L next to R, Making 1/4 Turn L( 12:00) step L fwd, Making 1/2 Turn L ((6:00) step R back, Making 1/4 Turn L (3:00) step L to left

[25-32] Cross, Recover, Side, Cross, Recover, Side, Pivot 1/2 Left, Step Fwd, Basic Left
1 2&Cross R over L, recover L, step R to right
3 4&Cross L over R, recover R, step L to left
5 6&Step R fwd, Making 1/2 Turn L (9:00) step L fwd, step R fwd
7 8&Step L to left, close R behind L, cross L over R

Restart : After wall 3 - 16 counts – Restart
