Still Dreaming Of You
Tessa Jansen (NL) - March 2018
Dreaming of You - The Debenham Brothers
Intro: 22 counts
2 Prissy Walks Fwd, Lock Step Fwd, Rocking Chair
1-2Step R across L, Step L across R (Moving Forward)
3&4Step R Fwd, Lock L behind R, Step R Fwd
5-6Rock L Fwd, Recover on R
7-8Rock L Back, Recover on R
¼ Turn R, ¼ Turn R, Jazzbox Touch
1-2Step L Fwd, ¼ Turn R
3-4Step L Fwd, ¼ Turn R
5-6Cross L Over R, Step R Back
7-8Step L to L Side, Touch R next to L
Rolling Vine, ¼ Turn L, ½ Turn L, Shuffle ½ Turn L
1-2¼ Turn R-Step R Fwd, ½ Turn R-Step L Back
3-4¼ Turn-Step R to R Side, Touch L next to R
5-6¼ Turn L-Step L Fwd, ½ Turn L-Step R Back
7&8¼ Turn L-Step L to L Side, Close R next to L, ¼ Turn L-Step L Fwd
2x Weave With Sweep
1-2Cross R over L, Step L to L Side
3-4Step R Behind L, Sweep L from Front to Back
5-6Step L Behind R, Step R to R Side
7-8Cross L Over R, Sweep R from Back to Front
TAG: After Wall 1,4 and 5:
Jazzbox Cross, Side Touch, Close Touch
1-2Cross R Over L, Step Back on L
3-4Step R to R Side, Cross L Over R
5-6Touch R Toe to R Side, Touch R Toe next to L
Music Note:
It is not easy to find the music, I bought it on
But if you send me an e-mail I am happy to send it to you!
Last Update - 29th March 2018