Those Lonely Eyes
Nomads (UK) - August 2016
Lonely Eyes - Chris Young
Note: Intro: 32 Counts
[1-8] Side r, Together, Shuffle forward, Side l, Together, Shuffle forward
1-2Step R with RF (1), Step LF beside RF (2)
3&4Step RF forward(3), Step LF behind RF(&), Step RF forward(4)
3-4Step L with LF (5), Step RF beside LF (6)
5&6Step LF forward (7), Step RF behind LF(&), Step LF forward(8)
[9-16 ] Cross-Side-behind , Point, Cross-Side-behind , Point
1-2cross RF over LF (1), LF Side L (2),
3-4RF behind LF (3), LF point L (4)
5-6cross LF over RF (5), RF Side R (6),
7-8LF behind RF (7), RF point to R(8)
[17-24] Shuffle forward r, Shuffle forward l, Kick-ball-Point 2x
1&2Step RF forward (1), Step LF behind RF(&), Step RF forward (2)
3&4Step LF forward (3), Step RF behind LF(&), Step LF forward (4)
5&6Kick RF forward (5), close RF beside LF(&), point LF to L (6)
7&8Kick LF forward (7), close LF beside RF(&), point RF to R (8)
[25-32] Sailor Step r, ¼ TURN SAILOR STEP, Sway 4x
1&2Step RF behind LF (1), step LF to L side (&), step RF to side (2)
3&4Turn ¼ LF cross LF behind RF(3)(9:00), Step RF to R side (&) Step LF to L side (4)
5-6Sway right to right side(5), Sway left to left side(6)
7-8Sway right to right side(7), Sway left to left side(8)
Tag: at the end of 7th wall (3:00), dance the next 4 count and Restart the dance
Step, ¼ Turn twice
1-2RF Step (1), ¼ Turn L (2)
3-4RF Step (3), ¼ Turn L (4)
Note:- During wall 8 dance the first 16 counts and restart (9:00) the dance
Last Update - 15th Aug 2016