Somewhere On A Beach
Katie Fanelli (USA) - April 2016
Somewhere on a Beach - Dierks Bentley
Mambo forward, Mambo back, ½ Chase turn left, Mambo forward
1&2Rock R forward, recover weight L, step R next to L
3&4Rock L back, recover weight R, step L next to R
5&6Step forward R, ½ pivot L, step forward R
7&8Rock L forward, recover weight R, step L next to R
Walk back 2 steps, R Coaster back, Walk forward 2 steps, L Coaster forward
1-2Walk back R L
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
5-6Walk forward L R
7&8Step L forward, step R next to L, step L back
Unwind ½ R, Sway R hip, Sway L hip, L ¼ pivot
1-2Swing R foot bind and over L turn around ½ turn R
3-4Bend knees down, as come up sway R hip to R
5-6Bend knees down, as come up sway L hip to L
7-8Step R forward ¼ pivot to L
Twinkle step R, Twinkle step L, Rock back, R Kick ball change
1&2Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to side
3&4Cross L over R, Step R back, Step L to side
5-6Step R back, recover weight on L
7&8Kick R forward, Step on ball of R, Step with weight ending on L
Two Restarts: After first 24 counts of dance on wall 1, and after 24 counts on wall 3
Inquiries: Katie Fanelli – E-mail:
Thank you Wendy Neilans for the song suggestion.
And to Larry Bass for your support and suggestions.