0692 85 74 07Thérèse LUN KWOK SUI
Thérèse LKS has choreographed 2 dances, of which none have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Shallow (fr) from April 2019, with their most recent stepsheet of Everybody (fr) in May 2019.
Thérèse LKS has choreographed 2 dances, of which none have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Shallow (fr) from April 2019, with their most recent stepsheet of Everybody (fr) in May 2019.
Shallow (fr) Thérèse LKS (FR) - Avril 2019
64 拍数 2 墙数 Intermédiaire Smooth 音乐: Shallow - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper
Everybody (fr) Thérèse LKS (FR) - Mai 2019
80 拍数 2 墙数 Intermédiaire / Avancé Phrasée 音乐: Everybody - Laura Bell Bundy