64 拍数 2 墙数 Beginner 音乐: Dear One - Johnny Lion & The Jumping Jewels
32 拍数 2 墙数 Easy Beginner 音乐: Just Between You and Me - The Chordettes : (2:14)
32 拍数 4 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: Tiger By the Tail (The Tale of Tiger Woods) - Cledus T. Judd : (in double time - 2:20)
48 拍数 4 墙数 Upper Beginner 音乐: Whispering Hope - Jim Reeves : (Album: The Best of. - 2:20)
48 拍数 2 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: Three Times A Lady - Tony Evans Dancebeat Studio Band.
32 拍数 4 墙数 Beginner 音乐: The Chain of Love - Clay Walker : (Album: Live, Laugh, Love)