9790 8671Allen Koh has choreographed 4 dances, of which all have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Naughty Girl from October 2007, with their most recent stepsheet of We'll Be There For You in December 2015.
Naughty Girl Allen Koh (SG) & Helen Chia (SG)
- 拍数 - 墙数 - 音乐: Naughty Girl - BeyoncĂ©
Cha Cha Donte Allen Koh (SG) & Helen Chia (SG) - November 2008
48 拍数 4 墙数 Phrased Intermediate 音乐: Donte Yo Estare - Sindicato Argentino
Christmas Tree Low Boon Hua (SG) & Allen Koh (SG) - December 2009
- 拍数 2 墙数 Phrased High Beginner 音乐: Christmas Tree - Lady Gaga
We'll Be There For You David Hoyn (AUS), Daniel Trepat (NL), Sobrielo Philip Gene (SG), Jennifer Choo Sue Chin (MY), Jaszmine Tan (MY), Rebecca Lee (MY), Allen Koh (SG) & Adeline Cheng (MY) - December 2015
64 拍数 2 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: I'll Be There for You - The Rembrandts : (Theme Song from Friends)