64 拍数 2 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: A Woman's Eyes by Craig Adams
32 拍数 2 墙数 Easy Intermediate 音乐: Far Side Banks of Jordan - Owen Mac & Tony Allen : (Album: The Far Side Banks Of Jordan)
64 拍数 2 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: Elvis Blessed My Soul - The Dean Brothers
64 拍数 4 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: Don't Close Your Eyes - Chris Young
64 拍数 2 墙数 Improver 音乐: Don't Think Twice - David Ball
64 拍数 2 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: Heart of My Heart - The Bellamy Brothers : (Album: Over The Moon)
64 拍数 2 墙数 Improver 音乐: Heartaches By the Number - Cyndi Lauper : (Album: Detour)
64 拍数 2 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: In My Arms - Glen Campbell : (Album: Ghost On the Canvas)
64 拍数 2 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: Sea of Cowboy Hats - Chely Wright : (The Definitive Collection)
64 拍数 2 墙数 Improver 音乐: Under the Sun - L.A.B
96 拍数 2 墙数 High Intermediate 音乐: What If We Fly - Chely Wright : (Never Love You Enough)
64 拍数 2 墙数 High Intermediate 音乐: Wild Hearts - Keith Urban
64 拍数 4 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: You Can Have Him Jolene - Chapel Hart : (Single)