904-566-7333Olivia Leigh Wagner has choreographed 4 dances, of which 3 have been co-choreographed. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Lightning and The Thunder from December 2017, with their most recent stepsheet of Flames on My Back in December 2018.
Flames on My Back Olivia Leigh Wagner & Debi Dillow (USA) - November 2018
32 拍数 4 墙数 Intermediate 音乐: Flames - Mathai
Famous Debi Dillow (USA), Lisa Dillow Wagner & Olivia Leigh Wagner - June 2018
80 拍数 - 墙数 Phrased Intermediate 音乐: Famous - Mason Ramsey
Through Your Eyes Olivia Leigh Wagner & Lisa Dillow Wagner - June 2018
104 拍数 - 墙数 Phrased Intermediate 音乐: Through your Eyes – Britt Nicole – Appr. 3:17 mins
Lightning and The Thunder Olivia Leigh Wagner - November 2017
72 拍数 2 墙数 Phrased Intermediate 音乐: Thunder - Imagine Dragons