CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Wooly Bully

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Fun Improver
Rob Fowler (ES) - June 2009
Wooly Bully - Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs
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Stomp right foot forward hold, stomp left forward hold stomp right, left, right, left
1-2 Stomp forward with right foot, hold (check optional arm movements below)
3-4 Stomp forward left, hold (check optional arm movements below)
5,-6 Stomp forward right, stomp forward left (check optional arm movements below)
7-8 Stomp forward right, stomp forward left (check optional arm movements below)
(Optional hand movements- if you an remember do your thing arms are the same)
On each count not including holds start with right elbow at waste level stick right hand out to right palm forward, left hand on belly. Repeat this with opposite hands

Step forward right, half pivot left, step forward tight half pivot left, side chasse right, rock back left recover.
1, 2 Step forward right, half pivot left
3, 4 Step forward right, half pivot left
5&6 Right side chasse
7, 8 Rock back onto left, recover onto right

Left grapevine with a half turn brush, side chasse right, rock and recover
1, 2 Step left to left side, step right behind left
3, 4 make a ¼ left stepping on left, make a ¼ turn left, brush right next to left
5&6 Right side chasse
7, 8 Rock back left, recover forward right.

Grapevine with a ¼ turn, jump forward, jump back
1,2 Step left to left side, step right behind left
3,4 Make a ¼ turn to left, brush right forward next to left
&5,6 Jump right diagonally forward, Jump left to left side, hold
&7,8 Jump back right, jump back on left, hold
Optional Arm Movements :( On count 6 raise Arms in the air palms forward and count 8 arms down by your side’s palms backwards or you can clap instead)

Right box step, half Monterey turn
1, 2 Cross right over left, step back onto left
3, 4 Step right to right side, cross left over right
5,6 Touch right to right side make half turn right stepping right next to left
7, 8 touch left to left side, step left next to right

Half Monterey turn, right kick ball change, stomp clap
1, 2 Touch right to right side, make half turn right stepping right next to left
3, 4 touch left to left side, step left next to right
5&6, Right kick ball change
7, 8 Stomp forward right clap hands

Left kick ball change stomp clap, walk, walk, rock and recover. Turn back over right shoulder 1 1/2 turn
1& 2 Left kick ball change
3, 4 stomp left, clap hands
5, 6 walk right left
7, 8 Rock forward right, recover back onto left
9, 10 Make a half turn right, stepping forward onto right, make a half turn right stepping back onto left
11, 12 make a half turn right, stepping forward onto right, and step forward onto left


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