CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tina Argyle (UK) & Karl-Harry Winson (UK) - February 2018
Better Bad Idea - Sunny Sweeney : (Album: 'Trophy')
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Intro: 48 Counts (Start on Vocals)
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Side. Touch. Heel Hook. Heel. Flick. Heel-Hitch. Right Coaster Step. Step. 1/4 Turn Right. Cross.
1&2&Step Left to Left side. Touch Right beside Left. Dig Right heel forward. Hook Right across Left.
3&4&Dig Right heel forward. Flick Right foot back and out. Dig Right heel forward. Hitch Right knee up.
5&6Step back on Right. Step Left beside Right. Step forward on Right.
7&8Step Left forward. Pivot 1/4 Turn Right. Cross step Left over Right. [3.00]

Hinge 1/2 Turn Left. Side Rock Cross. Side Toe Strut. Cross Toe Strut. Right Rocking Chair.
1&2Turn 1/4 Left stepping Right back. Turn 1/4 Left Stepping Left to Left side. Cross Right over Left. [9.00]
3&4Rock Left to Left side. Recover weight on Right. Cross step Left over Right.
5&Step Right toe to Right side. Drop Right heel to floor.
6&Cross Left toe across Right foot. Drop Left heel to the floor.
7&Rock Right foot forward to Right diagonal. Recover weight on Left.
8&Rock Right back (on diagonal behind Left). Recover weight forward on Left. [9.00]

Side. Drag. Hip/Knee Roll. Left Sailor Step. Syncopated Weave Left.
1 – 2Step big step to Right side. Drag Left up to meet Right (keeping weight on Right).
3Rotate Left hip anti-clockwise (circle motion) as Left knee rotates out as you do this (weight on Right).
4Repeat The above count (3) again. ***TAG HERE ON WALL 5 FACING 9.00
5&6Cross Left behind Right. Step out on Right. Step Left to Left side.
&7Cross Right behind Left. Step Left to Left side.
&8Cross Right over Left. Step Left to Left side.
Alternative Option for Counts 3 – 4: If you don’t want to rotate your hip/knee.
3&4Touch Left toe: Out, In, Out.

Back Rock. Side Step. Left Coaster Step. 1/4 Turn Heel Struts. 1/4 Turn Triple Step.
1&2Rock Right foot back behind Left. Recover weight on Left. Step Right out to Right side.
3&4Step back on Left. Step Right beside Left. Step forward on Left. [9.00]
5&Turn 1/8 Turn Left stepping Right heel to Left diagonal. Drop The toes.
6&Turn 1/8 turn Left stepping Left heel forward. Drop the toes. [6.00]
7&8Make a 1/4 Turn Left running small steps: Right, Left, Right. [3.00]

***Tag: On Wall 5 start facing 12.00. Dance 20 Counts (up to and including the hip roll) and add the following 2 counts facing 9.00 Wall:
Step Left. Together.
1 – 2Step Left to Left side. Close Right beside Left.

Start Again!

Ending: Towards the end of the song the music will fade. When you start to finish the dance instead of making a 1/4 Turn run around, just make a 1/4 Turn with the heel struts and run towards the front wall to finish.


dancer33 February 27, 2018
Karl Harry taught this in Southport this last weekend..........brilliant dance. Not tricky just a neat dance to a great track. Taught this on Monday and went down very well.

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