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Walkin' Blues (aka Dude A Whop)

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Intermediate WCS
Jill Babinec (USA) & Debi Pancoast (USA) - September 2011
Walkin' Blues - Melinda Doolittle : (Album: Coming Back To You, or single)
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Intro: 48 count intro, to start when beat really kicks in at “Lord, I feel like…”

[1 – 8] “Pelvis Rock”, Recover, Syncopated Weave, Press Fwd, Recover/Sweep, ¼ Sailor Step
1,2Push R pelvis forward as you rock forward on R foot; Recover weight back on L opening slightly to left
3&4Turn ¼ left to face 9:00 stepping R behind L; Step side L; Step R across L
5,6Press forward and slightly across on ball of L; Recover weight back on R and release L into sweep from front to back with ¼ turn L
7&8Finish ¼ turning sweep to face 6:00 stepping L behind R; Small step side R; Slight step forward L

[9 – 16] Lady’s Basic: Walk, Walk, Sugar Push, Ball-Change-Heel (modified Anchor), Ball-Walk, Walk
1,2Walk forward R, L
3&4Small rock forward R; Recover weight back on L; Large step back R as you slightly drag L to R
5&6Small step back L; Step R next to L; Touch L heel forward
&7,8Step together on ball of L; Walk forward R, L

[17-24] ½ Turning Hip Bumps/Roll (R, L, R, L, R, L), Mambo Step
1,2Step forward R pushing hips forward; Push hips back taking weight on L
3,4Turn ¼ left to face 3:00 while you push hips side right taking weight on R; Push hips side left taking weight on L
5-6Turn ¼ left to face 12:00 while you push hips back taking weight on R; Push hips forward taking weight on L
Option - Substitute a forward hip roll by” sitting” back into the R foot on 5, and roll hips forward and up to take weight on the L on 6
7&8Rock forward R; Recover weight back on L; Step together or slightly back R

[25-32] Rock & Hitch, Shorty George (or Run-Run-Run), Mambo Step, Coaster
1&2Rock forward L; Recover weight back on R; Hitch L bringing L hip and knee up with toe pointed down
3&4Shorty George: Step forward L bending knees slightly and pushing knees to the left; Step forward R bending knees slightly and pushing knees to the right; Step forward L straightening up a bit
Option: 3 small low running steps forward L, R, L
5&6Rock forward R; Recover weight back on L; Step together or slightly back R
7&8Step back L; Step R next to L; Step forward L

[33-40] Walk, Walk, English Cross, Step, Sweep, Cross, Rock-Recover-Cross
1,2Walk forward R, L
&3,4Small step forward on ball of R angling slightly left; Step L across R still angled slightly left; Step forward R squaring up to 12:00
5,6Sweep L from back to front as you turn ½ right to face 6:00; Step L across R
7&8Rock side R; Recover weight to L; Step R across L

[41-48] Rock-Recover-Prep, Reverse Triple Turn (or Side Triple Step), Samba Cross-Side-Step, “Roly Poly Jazz Box”
1&2Rock side L; Recover weight to R; Step L across R
3&4Turn ¼ left to face 3:00 stepping back R; Turn ½ left to face 9:00 stepping forward L; Turn just shy of ¼ left to face 7:00 stepping side R
Option – Triple step side R: Step side R, Step L next to R, Step side R
5&6Step L across R; Rock side R; Recover weight on L
7&8&Roll hips counter-clockwise through these counts while you step R across L; Step back L; Step side R; Step forward L

Note: The momentum of your hips from this full circle hip roll should segue nicely into the “Pelvis Rock” at the beginning of the dance.

This step sheet may be freely copied intact, however, modifications to this step sheet may not be made without the permission of the choreographers.

Contact: Jill:, p: 330-519-3871 and Debi:, p: 203-641-5301

Last Update: 21 Mar 2024


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