CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Train Wreck

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High Improver
Niels Poulsen (DK) - August 2021
Can't Let Go - Jill King : (iTunes etc.)
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Intro: 48 counts intro. App. 17 secs. into the track. Start with weight on L foot

Tag: 16 counts. Described at bottom of page
Ending: Wall 10 is your last wall (starts at 6:00). Finish on count 43, facing 12:00
[1 - 8] Stomp R fwd, stomp L together, Monterey ¼ R, R heel hook
1 - 2Stomp R fwd (1), stomp L next to R (2) 12:00
3 - 6Point R to R side (3), turn ¼ R on L stepping R next to L (4), point L to L side (5), step L next to R (6) 3:00
7 - 8Touch R heel fwd (7), hook R heel in front of L leg (8) 3:00

[9 - 16] Fwd tap, back kick, R back lock step, Hold
1 - 4Step R fwd (1), tap L behind R (2), step back on L (3), kick R fwd (4) 3:00
5 - 8Step back on R (5), lock L over R (6), step back on R (7), Hold (8) 3:00

[17 - 24] Back mambo ½ R, Hold, back mambo ¼ L, Hold
1 - 4Rock back on L (1), recover on R (2), turn ½ R stepping back on L (3), Hold (4) 9:00
5 - 8Rock back on R (5), recover on L (6), turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (7), Hold (8) 6:00

[25 - 32] L back rock side, Hold, R back rock side, Hold
1 - 4Rock back on L (1), recover on R (2), step L a big step to L side (3), Hold (4) 6:00
5 - 8Rock back on R (5), recover on L (6), step R a big step to R side (7), Hold (8) 6:00

[33 - 40] Behind side cross, sweep, weave, sweep
1 - 4Cross L behind R (1), step R to R side (2), cross L over R (3), sweep R to R side (8) 6:00
5 - 8Cross R over L (5), step L to L side (6), cross R behind L (7), sweep L to L side (8) 6:00

[41 - 48] Behind side fwd, Hold, R rocking chair
1 - 4Cross L behind R (1), step R to R side (2), step L fwd (3), Hold (4) 6:00
5 - 8Rock fwd on R (5), recover back on L (6), rock back on R (7), recover fwd onto L again (8) 6:00

Start Again

Tag: 16 counts. It comes 3 times. After walls 1, 3 and 7. Each time facing 6:00
[1 - 8] R heel grind ¼ R, R back rock. Repeat these 4 counts
1 - 4Touch R heel fwd (1), grind R heel ¼ R stepping L to L side (2), rock back on R (3), recover on L (4) 9:00
5 - 8Repeat counts 1-4 12:00

[9 - 16] R step lock step, Hold, step turn step, Hold
1 - 4Step R fwd (1), lock L behind R (2), step R fwd (3), Hold (4) 12:00
5 - 8Step L fwd (5), turn ½ R onto R (6), step L fwd (7), Hold (8) 6:00

2021 22 AUG 1 10 DEC '21 100


Jessica 🐭🇸🇪 August 17, 2021
Such a happy go lucky music & choroghraphy that put big smiles on everybodys faces while dancing. Love it! 😃

Niels August 18, 2021
Thank you Bettan :-)

Pony Chen August 21, 2021
nice dance!!!

Pony Chen August 26, 2021

Julie Gillmore August 31, 2021
Love the dance and the song. I've been looking for a fab fast dance that my dancers would like and they love it

Niels September 2, 2021
Thanks Julie :-)

IngerT September 7, 2021
Learnt this today - the group liked it very much - well done👏

mu-tek chu September 14, 2021
Our teacher, Kathy Chang (Cupertino, California. Winner of an 25th Crystal Boot Award, Jan 2021) taught this High Improver "Train Wreck" piece a week ago. Thanks to Niels Poulsen, we had such fun. Though the music is rock-n-roll fast, we danced well because Niels made the dance steps very smooth and executable! Incidentally, in the same class, we also danced Niels' "She Cares" Two of his dances in one class. It shows we love Niels!

DivaD September 16, 2021
Love the dance and the music..............gets you movin'! So much fun!!!!!!

Jesús Moreno Vera September 20, 2021
nice coreo!!

Kato September 26, 2021
Fantastic choreography to a great track. Class absolutely love it. Pure country fun. Just what we all need. Brilliant!

alicarri October 21, 2021
Just love this dance. A proper 'country' one with a 'country' feel x love it x

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